Tag: education
Paul Miller delivers his elevator pitch for openEHR…
“What is openEHR and where can I download it?” Well, unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple…
The openEHR ERP: “Strive to be worthy of recognition!”
Our Educator Recognition Program is your opportunity to show your teaching makes the grade…
Sidharth Ramesh, CEO of Medblocks and recognised openEHR educator
“We recognised the necessity of providing tools that would facilitate the development of applications built upon openEHR.”
Jan de Lange, founder of eFORZE, spreading the good word of openEHR
“Convincing people of openEHR’s value is the initial step, making them more receptive to change within their organisations.”
The Educator Recognition Program welcomes first four trainers
The Educator Recognition program already has four individuals offering accredited openEHR courses.