One way to get involved with the openEHR community and promote the adoption of our platform is to join the openEHR Affiliate Program.
What is the openEHR Affiliate Program?
The openEHR Affiliate Program promotes the global adoption of shareable electronic health records (EHRs), with the aim of improving healthcare quality and patient outcomes.
The program – which is managed by openEHR International – enables affiliated organisations to share and promote openEHR’s vision and mission. Affiliates, typically representing individual countries but sometimes regions with similar health systems or languages, specific industry sectors, or clinical specialties – such as life sciences – champion the adoption of openEHR standards within their respective domains.
Affiliates comprise individuals and/or organisations from a designated geography, sector or speciality, who are also members of openEHR International and have successfully applied for Affiliate status.
We currently have Affiliate Programs in the following countries:

- Brasil
- Finland
- Germany
- Japan
- Netherlands
- Oman
- Portugal
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
Affiliates in the process of joining the program: Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Life Sciences (US), Ireland, Norway, Poland and Italy.
What are the aims of the Affiliate Program?
The aims of an openEHR Affiliate include promoting openEHR’s mission, encouraging member participation, spreading technology within the region, sharing experiences, and providing feedback for continual improvement. To meet these goals, an openEHR Affiliate must undertake various activities. These include:
- building community networks of individuals, implementers and institutions using openEHR
- adapting materials for local use
- educating members through seminars, webinars and openEHR days
- advocating for the use of openEHR to government and other jurisdictional entities
- helping local companies and developers get solutions ready for conformance testing
- showcasing regional solutions
- collaborating commercially through the development of common marketing materials and resources for use by local vendors.
Running an openEHR Affiliate
The Affiliate Program Board (APB) oversees operations, facilitates collaboration, and promotes openEHR’s mission within specific regions or sectors.
Membership includes individuals and organisations within the Affiliate’s geographical area who are existing members of openEHR International. Affiliates can also appoint ‘Supporters’ to provide financial or in-kind support without voting rights.
The Affiliate Board, responsible to openEHR International, manages the Affiliate. It consists of at least three individuals elected by full Affiliate Membership. The Board meets quarterly and maintains records of membership, decisions, and discussions.
Affiliates organise meetings for their members and may establish local financial arrangements. They submit annual reports and accounts to openEHR International and ensure their local website(s) align with relevant openEHR materials. Affiliates must also clarify their separate legal entity status from openEHR International and maintain adherence to branding guidelines.
How to set up an Affiliate Program
Establishing an openEHR Affiliate Program is a collaborative effort between healthcare entities, vendors, and stakeholders aimed at advancing openEHR adoption in healthcare.

If you are interested in joining the openEHR Affiliate Program, here are some key steps to consider:
- Research and familiarise yourself with the principles, values and objectives of openEHR, to ensure that the proposed program’s activities and initiatives are aligned with the needs and goals of its members.
- Develop a proposal for joining the openEHR Affiliate Program, outlining the purpose, focus, objectives, goals, and benefits for both openEHR and potential Affiliates. For example, the program may aim to promote the adoption of openEHR in a specific geographical region, industry sector or clinical speciality.
- Once approved, create a plan for recruiting and managing Affiliates and Supporters. This may include outreach efforts, marketing materials and training resources.
- Implement the Affiliate Program and provide ongoing support and resources to Affiliates and Supporters to help them successfully promote openEHR, its values and objectives. This may include regular communication and updates, networking opportunities, and educational materials.
- Build a strong network of partners and stakeholders. An effective openEHR Affiliate Program requires a diverse and engaged group of partners, including healthcare organisations, vendors, researchers, and other stakeholders who are committed to advancing the use of openEHR. Consider reaching out to potential partners through industry conferences and networking events, as well as online forums and social media groups.
- Develop a plan for promoting and supporting openEHR adoption. This may include activities such as hosting educational workshops and webinars, providing training and support to healthcare providers, and organising regional or national conferences focused on openEHR.
- Consider collaborating with other programs and initiatives with shared goals and objectives. This may include partnering with other openEHR Affiliate Programs in your region or industry sector, or joining forces with national or international organisations that promote the use of openEHR in healthcare.
- Contact the team at openEHR or the openEHR community for more information about the requirements, guidelines, and support available for members of the Affiliate Program.
- Through collaboration and partnership, the openEHR Affiliate Program plays a vital role in improving the quality and efficiency of patient care, and enabling healthcare providers to deliver personalised, evidence-based treatment to their patients.
By joining the openEHR Affiliate Program, you can help advance the use of this innovative platform in healthcare and contribute to the ongoing evolution of digital health.
The rights of an organisation to operate as the openEHR Affiliate for a given territory will be assigned under an affiliate agreement with openEHR International.
Affiliate Agreement: download, complete the highlighted sections, and return to