Category: Interviews
openEHR’s secret source? Zotero!
Koray Atalag – openEHR professional member and one of our new Clinical Program Board members – gives us a deep dive into Zotero, a reference-management software for collating research papers […]
Ontologies: The Foundation of One Health and Connected Care
I’m Dr Eugene Kolah, founder and CEO of Peri Bloom, a health IT organisation that operationalises interoperability through data standardisation and patient-centered technology. Ontologies: The Foundation of One Health and […]
EHRCON24 Collabrathon Winners: DataHub Maastricht
One of the undisputed highlights of #EHRCON24 was the Collabrathon, a hybrid event in which teams worked against the clock to develop solutions to real-world healthcare challenges based on the […]
Making Waves – Ocean Health Systems
It’s not often that you come across a company that so comprehensively bridges the gap between strategic data management and specialised patient care, but Ocean Informatics – trading as Ocean […]
“The future of digital health depends on it being open”
With healthcare systems so pressured for time and clinical capacity, we need a digital health future that enables fast and precise decisions about a patient’s care. Most agree the future […]