Tag: community
The benefits of openEHR membership
Membership means a lot to us at openEHR… As a non-profit organisation, we rely on the financial and in-kind contributions of our community of supporters including Partners, supporting Organisations, as […]
Driving growth and collaboration with the openEHR affiliate program
Mikael Nyström, Principal Informatician in Solution Management for Cambio, talks about his role within the openEHR Sweden affiliate
Remko Schats, our new startup partner, has grand plans for 2024…
“The whole openEHR community has been extremely helpful and friendly: I feel very welcome.”
‘Three take aways from openEHR-NL’ from Rachel Dunscombe, CEO
Rachel Dunscome, openEHR CEO, shares her three take aways from the openEHR NL Conference.
Jan de Lange, founder of eFORZE, spreading the good word of openEHR
“Convincing people of openEHR’s value is the initial step, making them more receptive to change within their organisations.”