News & Events

openEHR International Board Election Results
Announcing results of the recent election for 3 openEHR International Board positions.

Industry Partner, Better - series of webinars between 13 and 22 April
All based on open data and powered by openEHR, the webinars will show you to simplify work, accelerate development, and focus on open, high-quality health data. Demonstrating how easy it is to build healthcare applications using low-code tools, even for non-developers, but we will also explain how you can leverage a digital health platform and open data.

4th openEHR Asia Summit by Zoom Conferencing, 29th April 2021
This 4th openEHR Asia summit is open to all those interested in openEHR activities in Asia, to be held on 29th April, 9:00-12:00 Beijing, Shanghai [2am - 5am UK].

Industry Partner Solit-Clouds release their flagship openEHR CDR product - EHRDB
Solit-Clouds have released their flagship openEHR CDR product - EHRDB

openEHR welcomes Swedish Association for Medical Informatics
New Organisational Partner joins openEHR International

What is openEHR and why is it important?
Blog by John Meredith, Digital Health.Wales

openEHR NHS Wales: A Technical Overview - 23 February 2021
Free online event providing a technical overview of openEHR, reflecting on experience gained by the NHS Wales Informatics Service as part of a recent formal review. An opportunity to learn about the technology and broaden understanding, focussing on the technical aspects of openEHR architecture.

openEHR for NHS Wales - 16 February 2021
Free online event providing an overview of openEHR, reflecting on experience gained by the NHS Wales Informatics Service as part of a recent formal review.

Apperta Foundation has initiated a project that will enable customers who wish to adopt an OpenEyes / openEHR bimodal implementation.
Development consisting of 3 workstreams; Clinical modelling of ophthalmology data, Software code enhancements and persistence and retrieval of the data in a number of vendors openEHR CDR’s.

Industry Partner Code24 upgrade to Gold Membership
Code24 upgrade to Gold Membership in recognition of the work that openEHR does.

openEHR 2020 Digital Event 24th November
DATA FOR LIFE - This International community online event via livestream will see healthcare professionals, representatives of public health institutions and digital health representatives sharing experience, opportunities, new ideas and vision of future development of the openEHR approach.

Thanks and Congratulations to Tony Shannon, who leaves the openEHR community for a new appointment
It is a pleasure to record congratulations to our colleague of many years, Tony Shannon, on his appointment as Head of Digital Services in the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of Ireland.

Adoption of openEHR in a EHR system, what is the added value for IT suppliers and care providers?
Free webinar, openEHR Industry Partners, Cambio (Sweden) and Patient Sky (Norway) will look at answering this question. Both are suppliers of an electronic health record system that uses openEHR.

RM Release 1.1.0
openEHR Reference Model (RM) Release 1.1.0 published

Cambio :"Digital Technology can Transform the way Health and Care is Delivered"
openEHR Industry Partner Cambio believe that open digital platforms, based on open standards such as openEHR, have the potential to transform the way that health and care is delivered. Read more ...

Better Care OPENep - The Future of Medication Reconciliation is Almost Here
Join Christine Wadsworth, OPENeP Clinical Lead at Better on 23 September at Clinical Pharmacy Congress where she will tell you how, with the OPENeP ePMA solution, which is already in use across the UK; aggregating and exchanging prescribing data from different care settings will look in the very near future.

The use of SNOMED CT in openEHR data models 5th August 2020
The use of SNOMED CT in openEHR data models - part of the SNOMED clinical web series.

openEHR AeHIN Presentation 7th July 2020
openEHR Community Response to COVID-19

Better and openEHR International have launched Archetype Designer
Better and openEHR International have launched Archetype Designer, a free to use web-based clinical modelling environment for openEHR archetype development.

24th July - 3rd openEHR Asia Summit, by Zoom Conferencing
This is the 3rd openEHR Asia summit. All those interested in openEHR activities in Asia, especially for COVID-19; welcome.