Educator Recognition

This program provides:

  • recognition of individuals and courses offered by those with the relevant skills and expertise.
  • to protect the name of openEHR through encouraging course and teaching quality
  • assistance to the healthcare industry - to know the skills they need and to be able to determine who actually has those skills - verification of workforce skills.
  • an ongoing improvement environment for all educators
  • the workforce with clear learning options that the industry can recognise and require as an imperative to obtaining jobs in healthcare openEHR environments.

What does recognition give you or your organisation?

For those seeking openEHR education

  • using a recognised provider may offer a higher quality and more reliable learning experience and outcomes.

For the educator (individuals)

  • provides credibility on your services and recognition on openEHR Web site.

For educator organisations

  • confirmation of the skills of your educators and ability to increase the profile of the recognised teachers of openEHR courses.

How to apply for recognition

Open to members of openEHR; professional members or individuals covered by Industry Partner and organisational memberships.

The application form allows applicants to provide details of any educational qualifications, or training they have received, as well as educational and openEHR experience.  You can view the application form in advance of applying.

A point system is used and initial recognition requires only 15 of a possible 29 points.  Ongoing educational offerings to build further educational skills are offered to all openEHR members to build and develop skills further.

The cost for assessment is €200. The Education Program Board will review applications and if the required criteria are met, forward the application for approval by the openEHR International Board. 

All applications will receive a response showing the results of their review - and identifying areas for potential improvement.  Those who are not accepted may update their application and resubmit once at no additional cost within 12 months.

Successful applicants will be listed on the openEHR website. Recognition is valid for 2-years.

Apply here, this link will take you to the login page for openEHR members.

If you are not already an openEHR professional member or member of an Industry Partner / Organisational member, you will need to apply for membership prior to being eligible to proceed with the education assessment.

If you are already a member of openEHR you will be asked to login, then taken to the page to apply for assessment.  Once you have made payment for the assessment you will be sent a confirmation email with a link to the application form for download and further instruction.

openEHR Educator Training Program 

Learn more about training, methods and techniques that deliver success for your training. 

Course outlines / plans are available for each course from a schedule of training.

Each presentation is recorded and made available to openEHR members, accessible via the 'Members Only' tab once logged in to openEHR membership.


If you experience difficulties, please contact