News & Events

openEHR Archetype Editorial Group launched
The lead group for archetype authoring has been formed - the Archetype Editorial Group. This group will work with Sebastian Garde to finalise the process for the authoring of archetypes and begin the ratification of all archetypes.

openEHR at BCS Primary Health Care Specialist Group
Thomas Beale presented openEHR at the British Computer Society Primary Health Care Specialist Group conference in Oxford.

MedInfo 2007
There were 14 papers, workshops and posters at MedInfo 2007.

openEHR Release 1.0.1 published
The openEHR Foundation is pleased to announce Release 1.0.1 of the specifications. It is a stable base for ongoing implementation and forthcoming specifications.

UML of Release 1.0
On 16 March 2006 openEHR has released the UML diagrams of Release 1.0 incorporating changes from the public comment period.

openEHR Release 1.0 published
The openEHR Foundation is pleased to announce Release 1.0 of the specifications.

openEHR Release 0.96 published
Release 0.96 of the openEHR specifications is published today.

ADL Workbench release
The ADL reference parser is now available in the form of the ADL workbench, ADL validator application, dotNet DLL and Java (jni) DLL.

Initial release of Java kernel
The initial release of the java openEHR reference kernel is now available.

openEHR ARB formation
The Foundation has formally appointed an openEHR Architectural Review Board (ARB), with 8 members, to review future changes proposed to openEHR specifications and software.

openEHR Release 0.9 published
Version 0.9 of the openEHR specifications have been published.

Version control system adopted
openEHR public materials have been moved to a web-accessible version control system called BitKeeper, enabling reliable access and collaborative development on software and documents.

openEHR has 256 members
There are now 256 members from 42 countries - so we are a veritable international group! Thank you for your participation.

Foundation establishment
The openEHR Foundation has been established as a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee.