News & Events

ADL - syntax highlight for Notepad++
ADL syntax highlight for Notepad++ was developed by Armando Prieto from Venezuela.

Infection Control System deployed by Queensland Health
Infection Control system, Multiprac, for 22 large hospitals in Queensland based on the Ocean OceanEHR platform has been inmplemented.

ADL 1.5 Workbench - beta release 8
A new beta release of the ADL 1.5 Workbench is now available here. Release includes a complete makeover of the user interface, with numerous usability improvements, plus a number of compiler corrections.

HL7 Australia Seminar on Future HL7 Standards
This HL7 Australia "Future of eHealth Standards" Seminar outlined the recent developments in the use of openEHR Archetypes in HL7, the FHIR work (an Aussie development that is taking the global HL7 community by storm) as well as the Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI).

openEHR @ HINZ | New Zeland
Two days of strategic events on healthcare interoperability in June in New Zealand.

Brazil re-affirms commitment to openEHR
As part of operationalising chapter III of the government decree, a national EHR Workshop was held aimed at defining methods and standards to be used in the Brazilian EHR Project (RES-National). The conclusions were largely underpinned by openEHR.

Board statement on Clinical Knowledge Manager
What is Clinical Knowledge Manager? The Clinical Knowledge Manager (CKM) application is used by the openEHR Foundation to provide governance of archetypes, templates and terminology reference sets, and to facilitate discussions and communication about these assets within the openEHR community.

Interconnected Health 2012
Interconnected Health 2012 will focus on approaches, challenges, and solutions affecting the ability to connect health organizations and systems, and the role of IT as an enabler in achieving this connectivity.

Web-based openEHR ambulatory care EHR system deployed in Brazil
P2D, Brazil, deploys web-based ambulantory care EHR to around 3,000 health professionals including doctors, physiotherapists, nurses and receptionists (primarily Brazilian College of Ophthalmologists).

Interim board announces new openEHR Program groups
The interim Board of Directors has now established 4 programs: Specifications, Software, Clinical Modelling and Localisation. Each Program has a Committee which will grow to up to 9 members and a list of Qualified Members to support each committee.

Creation of National Center for Archetypes in Bratislava
A National Center for Archetypes (NCA STU), specialising in knowledge structures for Slovak e-health, has been launched, supported by the management of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEI STU).

CIMI Forum - 5th meeting
CIMI held its 5th group meeting in San Antonio. Over 35 people attended in person with an additional 5 participants attending via WebEx.

CIMI goes with Archetypes & UML profile
The Clinical Information Modeling Initiative is an international collaboration that is dedicated to providing a common format for detailed specifications for the representation of health information content so that semantically interoperable information may be created and shared in health records.

Update on openEHR Governance
The new Board of Directors has met on four occasions and set the new directions for the Foundation. Personal changes have occured in the Board. Formal IP assignments of all the openEHR assets including all archetypes have been completed.

ADL 1.5 Workbench - beta release 4
A new beta release of the ADL 1.5 Workbench is now available here. Quite a lot of new features have been added, as described in the release notes. Please note that this release only includes a Windows build; Linux and Mac builds will follow in the next couple of weeks.

openEHR Transition Announcement
A new Interim Board of openEHR has been created to take openEHR to a new level of operations; a new structure, business model and governance.

MIE 2011
MIE 2011 is the 23rd International Conference of EFMI - the European Federation for Medical Informatics, and takes place in Oslo. The conference will cover various topics in the area of e-health, health informatics and telemedicine.

Message from the Chair of the openEHR Board
A Personal Message to the openEHR Community. I wrote here some time ago of my forthcoming retirement and our wish and intention, as a Board, to pass the mantle of openEHR to the best possible new leadership and ownership, from October 1st.

First open source release of openEHR.NET
The first release of openEHR.NET is available now. openEHR.NET is a C# implementation of the openEHR Reference Model and Archetype Model specifications, allowing developers to build openEHR applications by composing RM objects, validate against AM objects and serialise to/from XML.

ADL 1.5 Workbench - beta release 3
The latest beta of the ADL 1.5 Workbench for Windows, Mac and Linux can now be downloaded from the help page. It includes significant UI improvements, and an implementation of annotations as recently discussed on the lists.