openEHR Roadmap meeting Oslo

Events | July 28, 2014, 12:16 p.m.

This is to announce a face to face openEHR 2014 roadmap meeting in Oslo aimed at kick-starting the roadmap for specifications, implementation, clinical model development, and particularly, the overall platform vision for the next 18 months or so. See the link for full meeting details.

DIPS asa, a major Norwegian EHR vendor and openEHR implementer has very kindly agreed to host the meeting at their Oslo offices. Obviously we can't fit everyone into the room - there are 40 places total, so there is a booking system (free of course) at the above link.

Who is the meeting for?

  • primarily for people and organisations who are directly involved in implementation and / or the clinical modelling effort. You may have noticed on the website that a number of companies who have invested and continue to invest into openEHR are now featured. These companies have built and supplied real openEHR systems to real clinical & secondary use customers. They also agreed in 2013 to create an Industry partners group  which will supply some funding to keep openEHR going.
  • anyone from another company using openEHR, please come to the meeting, and secondly, consider joining openEHR as an Industry Partner.
  • anyone from a health provider or government organisation, please also consider coming or participating online.
  • anyone from an academic organisation working with openEHR.

Many of you won't be able to physically get to this meeting. Don't worry! There will be other meetings (we hope around 3 per year) in various places, and we hope that local openEHR affiliates will start to run meetings.

In preparation for this meeting, we will run some teleconf calls during August, which will be open to anyone, in which you can propose topics for the meeting, make requests etc. You are also invited to post on the lists and in particular, add to the meeting wiki pages with requests and suggestions. Each major topic area for the meeting has its own page, so you can add material in whichever place is most relevant.

The concrete outcomes of the meeting are intended to include:

  • updated governance documents
  • updated specification Jira project, release timeline, commencement of active work
  • clinical models delivery project roadmap
  • concrete ideas and updates on working with other groups such as CEN/ISO 13606, Contsys, CIMI, HL7 FHIR, OMG HDTF and

To be relevant and useful, we need your input, so please make your interests known.

- organising committee

Tomas Nordheim Alme
Ian McNicoll
Tomaz Gornik
Thomas Beale
Adriana Danilakova

Start date: Sept. 16, 2014

End date: Sept. 17, 2014

Location: Oslo, NO

Event report

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