
Webinar: openEHR & PROMs - The Christie NHS Foundation Trust case study
Join us in the webinar series and learn how Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) capture valuable insights into patient experiences and outcomes, helping healthcare providers refine treatment plans.

Webinar: openEHR & medication management - EPS case study
Join us in the webinar series and learn how medication management can be used to reduce errors, increase patient safety, and ensure efficient care.

Webinar: Technical dive into openEHR
openEHR offers a revolutionary approach to healthcare data management. Join us for a deep dive into the technical capabilities of openEHR with Ian McNicoll, the Director of the openEHR Foundation Board.

Webinar: The power of openEHR with Rachel Dunscombe and Tomaž Gornik
Don't miss out on the webinar, where Rachel Dunscombe and Tomaž Gornik will discuss why openEHR is the best standard for data persistence and how it enables the separation of data from applications, facilitating seamless interoperability and future-proofing data strategies, using clinical data to predict outcomes and enhance patient care.

openEHR NL Congress - 17th November 2023 - Unleashing openEHR Potential - exploring data availability in the wild
We are thrilled to invite you to the openEHR NL Congress being held on November 17th. See how openEHR is transforming the healthcare landscape and revolutionising the way we manage and exchange electronic health records.

Live webinar: Delivering ePMA in 10 weeks - What does it take?
Insights on implementing Better Meds at Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust in record 10 weeks

Live webinar: The EHR journey of EHA Clinic
Building 80 use cases in 12 months using Digital Health Platform

openEHR Conference, held 6th June Barcelona: "No time to waste: building the lifelong, patient-centric EHR"
A full-day program being curated by the Catalan Health Service, openEHR International and the TIC SalutSocial Foundation.

openEHR Conference, Barcelona 6th June 2023 - SAVE THE DATE
Organised by Sistema de Salut de Catalunya and Fundació TICSALUT. "No Time to Waste: building the lifelong patient-centric EHR"

openEHR Education Program Board (EPB) Meeting
The openEHR Education Program Board (EPB) is meeting on June 5th and would like to invite anyone interested to join them.

MIE2023 and Vitalis 2023
Europe's main medical informatics conference and the largest annual Scandinavian Health-IT event - 22 to 25 May.

Rewired 2023 - openEHR session 14th March 12:30
The session will focus on how open standards and platforms, particularly openEHR, are starting to revolutionise health IT and democratising patient data supporting better patient care. Learn from leaders of the openEHR movement on why open is the future of health.

The potential of openEHR - Oslo 8th November 2022.
Analysing the potential of optimising resource utilisation and data-driven decisions. The potential of openEHR presented on 8th November at 14:45

openEHR: Bringing theory to life
In a series of webinars organised by Better, through different cases from all over Europe – the UK, Italy, Spain, and Slovenia, we will highlight how an open data platform can be used for fast, effective, and safe technology development that improves care.

Nordic openEHR Collaboration Meeting 8th September 2022 Stockholm
Connect with the Nordic openEHR community to explore ways of collaborating towards common goals related to the use of openEHR.

The 5th openEHR Asia Summit, 30th July 2022 09:00 - 12:00 JST
Online event - detail on programme and copy presentations.

Control of Healthcare Information, 3rd June 2022, Netherlands
Organised by the openEHR Netherlands Foundation the conference will discuss how openEHR in the Netherlands can contribute to increasing control over healthcare information.

openEHR international use-cases: The importance of open data
1st in series of International openEHR Events provided by openEHR Netherlands, 12th May 2022 at 11:00 CET

POSTPONED: Apperta Foundation online Event 15th December 2021
Real world openEHR - An update on open platforms for healthcare

HiGHmed SYMPOSIUM - 14 October 2021, Berlin Germany
Digitalisation in the healthcare system: openEHR and FHIR – friends or foes?