Announcement from the openEHR Foundation and openEHR Community Interest Company

openEHR News | Sept. 27, 2019, 10:27 a.m.

It is a great pleasure to record and announce recent seminal events in the evolution of openEHR.

First of these is to announce that the new openEHR Community Interest Company (CIC) is up and running. It has taken some months to complete the necessary organisational and legal arrangements but these are now complete.

The official legal name is ‘openEHR CIC’ but we will only use this inside legal and technical documents, and will use the ‘trading name’ of ‘openEHR International’ in most communications.

To refresh everyone’s memories and understanding here is a glossary of terms around the new governance arrangements.

We will use ...

“openEHR” - to mean the whole openEHR community, including formal and informal members, openEHR International and the openEHR Foundation.

“openEHR International” when normally describing the work of the openEHR CIC, which will be carrying out all of the operational activities, governance and management in and around openEHR. When openEHR representatives are elected by subscribing members they become Directors of openEHR International for the period of their election.

“openEHR CIC” will only be used when there is a need to describe openEHR International using its formal UK non-profit company legal name. CIC always has to be used as a suffix (similar to Ltd. or Inc).

“openEHR International Board” to mean the Board of Directors of the openEHR CIC, which is in charge of all operational activities, and which replaces the previous openEHR Foundation Management Board.

The “openEHR Foundation” remains in place as a guarantor of openEHR intellectual property and respect for the overall mission. The openEHR Foundation retains representation on the openEHR International Board, and vice-versa.

Second, and in keeping with the plan previously announced, the CIC will shortly proceed with its first election to its Board. We will send details of the election process separately, which is for one Industry Partner representative, and one Individual Member representative, open to nominate and vote for existing members

It is a timely moment to repeat our encouragement to all who follow and value openEHR, as individuals, companies or organisations, and who have not already joined, to consider becoming formal members, and thereby eligible to participate in future elections at


David Ingram – President of openEHR and Chairman of the openEHR Foundation
Ian McNicoll, Tomaz Gornik and Silje L. Bakke – Co-Chairs of the openEHR Community Interest Company


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