recognition of individuals and courses offered by those with the relevant skills and expertise.
quality assurance for the openEHR brand, through control of course content and teaching quality.
assistance to the healthcare industry – to know the skills they need and to be able to determine who actually has those skills – verification of workforce skills.
an ongoing improvement environment for all educators.
the workforce with clear learning options that the industry can recognise and require as an imperative to obtaining jobs in healthcare openEHR environments.
What does recognition give you or your organisation?
For those seeking openEHR education
high quality training with guaranteed learning outcomes
For the educator (individuals)
credibility for services and recognition on the openEHR website.
For educator organisations
confirmation of the skills of your educators and ability to increase the profile of recognised teachers of openEHR courses.
Our Recognised Educators
Heather Grain
Heather Grain
Heather is a Consultant Terminologist, Data and EHR Implementation Specialist and Educator at Global eHealth Collaborative Australia. Her professional background is within digital health education, a specialist working in academic and vocational training for organisations, professional bodies and governments around the world assisting in practical, safe, future focused system design and implementation and workforce skill development. Leadership positions current or held in the last 10 years with HL7 International, ISO TC215 Health Informatics Information Governance and Semantic Content, ISO TC249 Traditional Chinese Medicine, and SNOMED International (education).
Andraž Koželj
Andraž Koželj
Andraž Koželj is a Senior Technical Lead at Better. He is highly skilled in technology and has a deep understanding of individual operating principles, allowing him to learn and solve problems quickly in unfamiliar contexts. Andraž specialises in openEHR and healthcare application development and has been instrumental in delivering comprehensive openEHR training to both partners and customers. Since 2019, he has conducted extensive training sessions for over 50 companies, educating more than 500 individuals. His expertise covers a broad range of key areas, including openEHR fundamentals, AQL training, and the use of Archetype Designer, with a strong focus on modelling principles and openEHR software development using development platforms and low-code tools. He has experience in leading groups and presenting products, and he can communicate complex concepts at a high difficulty level, but can also break them down into simple explanations for different audiences. In his free time, Andraž is a sports enthusiast, enjoys good music and is an avid reader who enjoys learning new things.
Luis Marco-Ruiz
Luis Marco-Ruiz
Luis Marco-Ruiz, PhD, is a data engineer at HIGHmed Consortium, who focuses his work on the adoption of information standards and terminologies for clinical data reuse and clinical decision support. He holds a MSc in Applied Statistics and a PhD in Health Science. Since 2007 Dr. Marco-Ruiz has participated as a developer, advisor, and researcher in private- and public-funded projects in Norway, Germany, the UK, and Spain. In 2013 he joined the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research where he works in the development of national data reuse infrastructures and advises the Norwegian health authorities on the adoption of clinical information standards and biomedical ontologies. In addition, he works as a semantic interoperability specialist at the Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics (Hannover Medical School) developing a cross-institutional data reuse network for the HiGHmed consortium, which involves the Hannover Medical School, Heidelberg University Hospital, and University Medical Center Göttingen, among others. Luis is a member of openEHR SEC Expert Panel and Education Program Board.
Dr Ian McNicoll
Dr Ian McNicoll
Ian is a former Scottish GP, and has been involved in healthcare informatics for nearly 30 years, working with and promoting openEHR technologies for the last 8 years, initially with Ocean Informatics and latterly as an independent consultant. His current focus is on the promotion of the Apperta open e-health platform ecosystem, with openEHR at its core, and the development of a related Development Platform, adopted by NHS England as a key part of their Code4Health initiative. A Director of the openEHR Foundation Board. Previous Chair of the openEHR Management Board, and Director of the International Board from March 2019 until November 2022.
David Moner
David Moner
David Moner is a Computer Engineer and PhD at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain. He is currently CTO and consultant on semantic interoperability and eHealth standards at openEHR Industry Partner VeraTech for Health. Previously, David worked as a full-time researcher in health information systems and EHR standards in UPV. Since 2005, David has focused on the practical application of health information standards and terminologies such as openEHR, ISO 13606, HL7 CDA, HL7 FHIR, CDISC ODM, SNOMED CT or LOINC. He has participated in more than 30 research and applied projects, and has more than 50 publications in this field, including his PhD thesis titled “Archetype development and governance methodologies for the electronic health record”. In the education area, David has given academic training about semantic interoperability and EHR standards in the Master of Biomedical Engineering of the UPV, in the Master of Medical Informatics of the University of Alcalá de Henares, and as part of medical informatics courses in the Computer Engineering degree of the UPV. He has also provided on-demand professional training in ISO 13606, openEHR, HL7 CDA, HL7 FHIR and SNOMED CT, having trained over 500 clinical and technical professionals in the use of these standards.
Dr Andjela Pavlovic
Dr Andjela Pavlovic
Andjela is a medical professional, trained at the University Clinical Center of Ljubljana. Motivated by a great desire to expand her knowledge and apply medical expertise in innovative ways within the realm of health information technology, she embarked on a journey into openEHR in 2022. Joining <a href=””>Better</a>, Slovenia as a Business Analyst, she played an integral role in the development of numerous health IT solutions, focusing particularly on Clinical Data Modelling.<br><br>
Prof Hanna Pohjonen
Prof Hanna Pohjonen
Hanna is a healthcare IT consultant at Rosaldo Oy (her own consultancy company). She has worked in 30 different countries in Europe, North-America, Middle East and Asia; she is specialized in big regional and national healthcare IT/eHealth projects. She has an extensive market knowledge in the area. She has provided consultancy regarding healthcare information systems and IT architectures, vendor neutral archiving, data sharing (XDS, openEHR), shared workflow, data privacy and security services as well as innovative eHealth applications and services, especially across organizational and national borders. She has special experience in benchmarking, IT and procurement strategies and roadmaps, cost/benefit analyses in the whole life cycle of the eHealth investment, quality assurance, applying new innovative technologies, change management and development of new service models based on IT tools and services. Before consultancy she worked in research both in UK and Finland, hospital environment and healthcare financing. She also represented Finland in eHealth matters in the European Commission.
Dr Sidharth Ramesh
Dr Sidharth Ramesh
A doctor by training, but a developer at heart. Founded Medblocks in 2015, and currently serving customers all around the world to deliver better healthcare. Believes that providing data-driven clinical decisions can save more lives than doctors can, by themselves. Medblocks provides an open-source library for building openEHR interfaces – Medblocks UI. Also providing opinionated open-source backend services for building your openEHR + FHIR-based applications quickly – Medblocks Stack.<br>Providing consulting services for: Setting up openEHR server – Cloud/on-premise, openEHR Clinical Modelling and Template Designing, Building openEHR based applications and forms from openEHR templates, Integrating and helping with Medblocks UI into your existing frontend application, Dashboards and analytics using AQL on openEHR repositories, Setting up SNOMED CT server – Cloud/on-premise, SNOMED CT mapping and Reference set creation, Setting up an FHIR server – Cloud/on-premise, Building and deploying SMART on FHIR applications, FHIR Profiling and clinical modelling.
How to apply for recognition
Open to members of openEHR professional members or individuals covered by Industry Partner and organisational memberships.
The application form allows applicants to provide details of any educational qualifications or training as well as educational and openEHR experience. You can view the application form in advance of applying.
A point system is used and initial recognition requires only 15 of a possible 29 points. Ongoing educational offerings to build further educational skills are offered to all openEHR members to build and develop skills further.
The cost for assessment is €200. The Education Program Board will review applications and if the required criteria are met, forward the application for approval by the openEHR International Board.
All applications will receive a response showing the results of their review – and identifying areas for potential improvement. Those who are not accepted may update their application and resubmit once at no additional cost within 12 months.
Successful applicants will be listed on the openEHR website and recognition is valid for two years.
Apply here, this link will take you to the login page for openEHR members.
If you are not already an openEHR professional member or covered by Industry Partnership / Organisational membership, you will need to apply for membership in order to apply.
If you are already a member of openEHR you will be asked to login, then taken to the page to apply for assessment. Once you have made payment for the assessment you will be sent a confirmation email with a link to the application form for download and further instruction.
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